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It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Applied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of … Login with Facebook; Login with Twitter; Pas encore de compte ? %PDF-1.4 Annaba (Arabic: عنّابة ‎, lit "Place of the Jujubes"; Berber languages: Aânavaen), formerly known as Bona and Bône, is a seaport city in the northeastern corner of Algeria, close to Tunisia.Annaba is close to the small Seybouse River, and it is in the Annaba Province.With a population of about 464,740 (2019) and 1,000,000 for the metropole, Annaba is the 3rd largest city in Algeria. X. E-mail *: Enter your e-mail address or username. Je crée mon compte. Anna University was established on 4 th September, 1978 as a unitary type of University. Large selection and many more categories to choose from. Login with Facebook; Login with Twitter; Pas encore de compte ? marks 1. c 1 2. c 1 3. b 1 4. 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